Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Mid-Orctober, I have a plan

Well either today or the 12th was mid-Orctober and I don't have much to show for it.

I have pulled out all the figures I would need to fight out The Altenburg Chronicles: A bridge over troubled waters, but I'm still on the fence about whether or not to play it out using actually WFB 3rd or Warrior Heroes: Armies and Adventures. I have actually played some WFB but 20 years ago. I haven't played WHAA yet but am more familiar with the THW mechanics and I want to use their reaction tables and PEF's (possible enemy forces) for playing the scenario solo. I salso still need to work out how animosity would work in WHAA. In fact I need to refresh my memory of how it worked in WFB.

Here are the figures I intend to use:

Capt. Stoischen and Garfunkel Gefahrlich

Fladnag as Paul Schuler

Artisan Hargrump

Hef's Bows

Hans' Xbows

Franz' Swords

Greediguts Boyz and Rumbleguts

Frinkelgob (banner) and Troll Catchers -4.


Snapjaw and Snagtooth

I also now have worked out a plan for the Tropilium vs Stygustan next battle. I will finish color blocking the forces before the next battle and I will get started on this right away.

So for Tropilium I need to finish color blocking 32 figures plus 5 horses and possibly 6 figures to crew the Ballista.

For Stygustan I need to finish 41 more figures, this includes the chariots as a figure although they are really more like 5 figures for each one.

So lets say 60 figures to finish color blocking. Most are partly blocked in already with flesh and uniform base color. To get this done by Friday I'd have to do 20 per day. Let's see what we can do.

Welcome to Tomsche of Societa di archeologia e cimeli a nice blog with a range of interests. He happens to be having a giveaway for reaching 100 followers. Go check him out.


  1. Hi Sean - Quick question; where is Durk from? Never seem that troll before :-).

    1. Hi Kasper, that troll comes with the Caesar Fantasy Adventurers F 104. He is about 55mm to the top of his head and 85mm to the tip of his raised fingers.

  2. Love these Sean.
    I/72 stuff. My new scale for many projects on the board.

    1. Thanks Kevin, there really are some nice figures to be had. It is difficult to find figures for all periods but there is a lot of choice.

  3. What a lovely selection of minis! It's great to see the scenario come to life, I can't wait to learn the outcome!

    1. Thanks WP, I hope I don't take too long to roll it out. Still a lot to do but I'm excited to try it out.

  4. Very nice. I would have thought that the THW rules more suitable for solo play, though any set can work if you're honest with yourself :-) .

    1. Hi Colgar, I am most likely going to play it solo or with kid help so I thought THW might be appropriate. Also to try and justify buying it you gotta play it at least once. But Warrior Heroes could be used face to face as well.

  5. nice use of he caesar figs. the wizard looks good, like the color used.

    1. Thanks Ts9k, I had a plan to use a lot of different beige and light brown on him. The wash I used muddied him up too much, but there he is.

  6. You have a plan, but you also seem to have some ambition, that's a lot of models on the table. Considering they're nice models and you seem well planned, I'm waiting to see the end of this ;)
    Halfway through Orctober yet? I better hurry then :s

  7. Hi Asslessman, I have all kinds of ideas it's the doing that is the problem. I have yet to touch brush to orc for orctober.

  8. I know nothing about wargames, but I like your choice of figures!!
    it's not easy to find good figures for Fantasy in that scale!
    A very good mix of manufacturers ! (I've recognized Strelets, Caesar, an Airfix Robin Hood and can't remember the pink ones !! maybe others?)

    1. Hi Sam, you've recognized them very well. The pink ones are Zvezda 100 years war English.

    2. I was too lazy to go to the bottom of the PSR page!!

      Didn't notice "ORCtober" the first time!! good !

      I didn't remember if you have made some, but could you use for Rohirrims ?

  9. Sounds like a great project Sean! And I love yoga pants! :-D


    1. Thanks Peter, and honestly who doesn't love yoga pants?
