Monday, January 15, 2018

When you should be painting, make heraldry.

Hi All,

Well, what with Track, practicing ropedart, and "Family" time in front of the TV I didn't get much of anything painted yesterday.

I did manage to noodle around on the Inkwell Ideas Coat of Arms creator to make the heraldry for those Knights of the Realm though.

It took me a fair amount of noodling around and my recollection of heraldic terms made it a little more trial and error, but I got something that seems to work. These are more or less in the order I've ranked them up and will paint them.

No names yet. The Buck's head is really front view but the software didn't have that. You can add your own vectors, but I just wanted these to be quick and dirty. The colors of the creatures are set by the colors of the decals I have. For the displayed eagle I thought white and blue would contrast well with the red eagle. The quartered Red and Blue is for the Viscomte. I used the seated lion because I didn't see the rampant lion. The blue lion is because I have two Lion shields. This guys head dress is some kind of bat winged almost lion thing, the first departure from the matchy, matchy thing I've done with the first three. Lastly the bull. This one was also supposed to be just the head, head on. Again, just making these quick and dirty. To me, although very simple, the black bull on plain white seems more visually appealing. Unfortunately I do not have a bull head dress so he will have the Dragon. I'll make up some reason why. Now I just have to think of what color to make it. Maybe just keep with black.

It's the Martin Luther King Jr holiday today, so no work for me, but a lot of errands to run. Hope you have a productive day.

Thanks for looking.


  1. I quite enjoy heraldry, and all of these shields look very fitting. I sometimes think it would be not a bad notion to maintain a 'register' of nobility and their coats of arms. I'm not sure whether your first one counts as 'per chevron gules and or (... a stag's head erased argent), or the fourth one 'sable, on a pile or ( a lion rampant azure)'.

    Thought I'd try my hand at describing the others:
    'Azure, two bendlets sinister argent, an eagle displayed gules'.
    'Quarterly azure and gules, a lion sejant erect or.'
    'Argent, a bull rampant sable.'

    1. Hi Archduke, great to hear from you. I think you are right about per chevron and pile. I think those descriptions are very good. I was trying to make these knights fancier than the lesser knight I made earlier. One thing I noticed on earlyblazon is that if the shield had a creature on it then the background was rather plain. I feel like what I did here was workable.

    2. They look very nice indeed. I was thinking that the eagle displayed was rather a dark red - possibly more 'sanguine' or 'murrey' rather than gules. Still works, for mine!

  2. They look good. Look forward to seeing them on figures.

    1. Thank you Simon. I've been dragging my feet on painting these. Today's the day.

  3. Those look great....but you need to get painting. LMAO ;)

  4. Can’t paint all the time! As long as you’re having fun. 😀

    1. Thanks Stew, but I do need to finish these this month.

  5. Good to do some planning and research on stuff like this.
    Like where youre going on these so far mate, look forward to seeing you stick these designs on shields, surcoats, helmets, collectable undergarments and bumperstickers.

    1. Thanks Dai. I'm cheating and not putting them on the surcoats, just the horse's livery. The shields are the embossed design type.
