Friday, December 14, 2012

Cthulhu by Christmas

Just to add to the many projects I have going I've decided to run a Larger Than Life (LTL) adventure set in the HP Lovecraft setting used in Arkham Horror and Elder Sign games.
So I'll have more on that as I get it under way.

Then it looks like we will have a joust by email with the players from the Talomir Campaign over at Talomir Tales. Perhaps I will need to make up some heraldry for the gang.

Before I realized this is what we were doing I made an impulse buy of the Italeri Medieval Tournament #6108

And of course  three boxes of Gladiators from the Italeri, Orion and Pegasus sets

just in case we want to also have a gladiator campaign.

And then a total impulse buy for my son

Says it comes with 52 players, a referee, two goal posts and a 24" x 36" washable felt field. So it could be Blood Bowl or maybe some homebrew rules using THW principles.

I better get started.

Welcome to:

Mateusz Staszek, sorry no blog link. If you have a blog please let me know and I'll post a link.

Hank Esslinger, I think. Blogger said I had two new but I only see one at the top. At the beginning of my list are several with no avatar. I'm guessing Hank is new. And if you have a blog please send me a link and I'll post it.


  1. nice post!!
    don't forget to paint them all !

    (I think that I'm unable to paint all the figures I have, but I continue to buy new ones... it's an addiction, I presume!
    ... but I'm sure that I'm not alone, except the fact that some PAINT them all...)

  2. I'll echo Fran's comment! I like the look of the footie guys!

  3. That's a whole lot to paint Sean! But some excellent purchases! Are you going to paint those footballplayers to?


  4. I can see from this post that I'm going to have to put up a chart of shame, I mean painting progress, to get me motivated. Perhaps I'll paint the ones that hit me on the head when they fall out of the cupboard.
