Friday, June 26, 2020

Strange Ranges - Warzone Challenge

Hi All,

Well, we did it again. Challenged each other to paint some figures from the game Warzone. Now I've never played the game and the figures are over the top, but have a certain charm. It seems like a line designed to look like 40k cosplay.

Now despite what some eBay sellers might lead you to believe, you can still get many of these figures from Prince August, here.

I considered buying from them but found a reasonable deal on a bonkers mix of figures on eBay, so I punted and won them.

Once again, I highly recommend you go over to the Scale creep blog and read about all the other Warzone figures here.

This is what I ended up with.

This is what arrived in the mail.

Next were the id's

I keep on calling him Bubba, so Bubba he shall be. To me this figure epitomizes warzone.

Laura's spear was broken so I cut it off at the hand and rebuilt it from tubing, greenstuff and plasticard.

So the rebuild has some issues, but I think it gets the idea across. Perhaps painting the bottom as a gem was a mistake. I'm not sure.

I could not find the last figure in the catalog. These guys are the closest I could find for the third figure.

I'm calling him a demonic proctologist.

So, do you have any unusual ranges you like? Are there more gems that passed me by?

Thanks for looking, and give these figures a try. They are super fun.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Advanced Heroquest - First Quest

Hi All,

Well, after painting those figures in near record time, we had our first game of Advanced Heroquest (AHQ).

I had no idea of what I was doing and had read the rules through about 5 or 6 months ago so it wasn't super streamlined. Having been derailed by too much searching through the rules before during games, I just went with it as best I could and relied on Google to help me through not being prepared.

This is what transpired.

So I started by deciding that 4 wall/corridor sections were the equivalent of one AHQ dungeon section. For future games I will have sections preassembled to go. I also learned I need to print way more clips, I ran out pretty fast.

The dungeon was bare of monsters or rooms for that matter. I know I forgot to roll for encounter chits or whatever it is after turn 3. Something about the Game Master rolling a die on their turn and taking a chit on a 1 or a 12. Honestly I was foggy on that. I also thought that there were premade monster matrices in the rule book. It seems I was wrong. So I went to the internet and found a table to roll on. That gave me the Quest room behind the door which contained 6 orcs and 3 orc champions plus 120 gold and something about 12 PV I found it here on Yumpu. I didn't read it, just quickly used the Quest room table.

All in all successful, but I'll have to go in and really have a look at the rules to be more comfortable with the game.

Thanks for looking.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Advanced Heroquest - First Questers

Hi All,

Last week I set myself the challenge of painting up some figures for the family to play Advanced Heroquest with me on my birthday, or there abouts.

Once I finally got stuck in it didn't really take that long. I gave my wife and daughter a choice of figures so they cold be more invested, but I tried to stick with the basic tropes of Human, Dwarf, Elf and Wizard.

As you can see I painted two of the original figures and two Reaper figures that my wife and daughter each picked from my collection of unpainted figures.

I tried to keep the color palettes simple and use a lot of the same colors across the four figures to not have to think about things too much. I'm not super happy with everybody's eyes, but I think it is better to try and paint them.

This shield is a lot like the one from the plastic Bretonnian Knights of the Realm.

I almost forgot. For the two AHQ figures,  I cut them of their bases and then used a "brick" roller from Grenstuff World over a thin layer of DAS. That suggestion was given to me by Asslessman of Leadplague quite some time ago.  I like the look for a dungeon crawl.

And the back. 

Rawr! I chose to do the dwarf in White and Blue as a nod to Wayne England. He's nowhere as good as those figures, but I'm happy with how he turned out.

Not much to see here.

Or here.

Here you can see the work I put into the hammer and shield a little better.

This is Anduriel from Reaper miniatures. I thought it was a female figure. My wife doesn't think so, but she picked it anyway to be the Elf.

I bought this figure as part of the Reaper Learn to Paint kit: Non Metallic Metal.

You may have noticed that I ended up using metallic paints.

I started the turtorial, and learned a couple of cool things, but I mostly learned that I suck and NMM and don't understand how light reflects off of objects. Painter, know thyself!

This is the 25th Anniversary Lysette. I have very few female figures in general and even fewer female wizards, so I was happy to paint this one for my daughter.

She is a super busy sculpt and I probably had the hardest time with her out of the bunch in just figuring out what colors to use and where.

I kind of rushed her hair, I could do better, but I wanted to get the game started before it got too late.

I don't know if the yellow flower clashes with the rest of the model, I just wanted it to stand out. I had a hell of a time distinguishing between the flower and her ear on that side.  I think i got it in the end.

I hope you are getting to your backlog of hobby stuff. I have another project I'll be finishing up over the next couple of days and then I hope to have a comic report of our dungeon delve.

Happy painting!

Monday, June 8, 2020

Classic Plastic - RTB01 Space Marine

Hi All,

Well, I let peer pressure get the best of me again. This time a bunch of us agreed to paint a Plastic Space Marine from the RTB01 box. I suggest you read about it here. There are some truly fantastic submissions once again.

I won't totally bore you by rehashing what I wrote over there, but I will repost the pictures here.

I give you a Medic/Apothecary from the Space Ghost chapter of Marines.

My inspiration image.

I neglected to mention that I followed one of Curis Ninjabread's tutorials for painting the white armor. I used similar techniques on the rest of the colors. My black, especially, needs more work. You can find him on Patreon here for tutorials if you are so inclined. This is the first time that I followed all the way through and got a result that looks like what was intended.

Anyway, thanks for looking.