Sunday, January 20, 2019

Paint Table Saturday 272 - Skeletons and IG on a Sunday

Hi All,

Well, it was not my intention to go over a week before my next post but that's how it goes sometimes.

I got a little bit of work yesterday. Painted Earth Brown on some bases and stuck down sand on the IG bases. During the week I knocked out a bunch of dry brushing on the bone stuff, primed some skeletons in white, and finished building the last few figures of the Imperial Guard Command Section I need for next weekend. (Typing that out makes me nervous.)

Death Riders and Skull Chucker.

Skeleton Regiment.

Lieutenant and Command Section, plus Grenade Launcher Guardsman that I need.

Anyway, I need to go off and take another training course for coaching. They're wanting us to all have accreditation as well as background checks etc.

Happy painting everyone.


  1. Great stuff & work ! I'm looking forward to see them all painted !

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Millsy, hope you're surviving the heat.

  3. That is a whole lot of output. Good job. I am green with envy at your productivity.

    1. Thanks Major, it doesn't feel like a lot. I need to make a lot more progress this week, I'm running out of time.
