Sunday, January 6, 2019

All this fuss over Ambulls.

Hi All,

My phone has been blowing up all weekend with pictures of the new Ambull and Ambot models. All I can say is, you're welcome. I'd like to think that my Ambull obsession over the last couple of years has helped to fuel the resurgence of these models. I am anxiously awaiting my first royalty check.

Let's have a look at my Ambull related posts.

Paint Table Saturday 197 - Matthias Mulders, Merchant is where I threw out the idea for Ambull husbandry.

Ambull Farm where I looked at the references in Rogue Trader and talked about sourcing affordable Ambull figures.

More Ambulls where I introduced Matthias's Ambull whisperer, Felipe, and found some rules for Ambulls from WD99. Which I don't think I ever ended up using btw.

Monolith Con 2017 - Ambulls on the Loose is the first Battle Report using the Ambull capture idea.

Ambull Extraction the next scenario where I tried to add more critters to complement the Ambulls.

Monolith-Con III - Ambull Safari where there were more Ambulls than you could shake a stick at.

There is one more report from late December 2018 that I haven't finished writing yet, I'll probably get it up in the next few days.

Anyway this is my case for being, in some small way, an impetus for the new Ambull release. Any other good Ambull themed posts out there?


  1. I prefer your, actually. GW’s are over the top

    1. Thanks Anthony, mine were just a matter of cost and convenience. Originals and the ones from Knightmare games are preferred, but get too expensive to have a lot on the table. The D&D plastics are pretty nice and about $5 each, but it's really mostly a convenience/price thing.

  2. You are clearly a visionary!
    Yes, thank you.

    1. Thanks Major, a broken clock is right twice a day.

  3. You've done a service to the community! Keep a look out for that check. ;)

    1. Thanks Airborne, I'm not too shy to take credit for things. I do, in all seriousness, feel like I've been trying to fire up the community for Ambulls for a couple of years now. No clue if anybody that actually makes decisions was aware of it though.

  4. Ha! I was going to email you about this as well. I guess your love for giant killer space bugs of a certain persuasion is well known!

    1. Hi Lasgunpacker, hard to say. I feel like I've been the most vocal about them for the last two years. Ooh just remembered there were some in Escape from Nu Ork.

  5. Yes, if it weren't for you I have no doubt we would all be talking about the Pterra-Squirrels expansion for Black Stone Fortress.

    1. Very funny Otto. Although now I want to see if I can source killer flying squirrels.
