Things are winding down as I get ready for Summer Vacation and Kublacon. It occurred to me that I hadn't updated how our WFRP campaign has been going in quite some time, so I'll try to do that in dribs and drabs over the coming months.
If you ever want to hear the games as they happened, the GM has them as a screen capture video on Youtube here. If you don't remember where the story was before this, I blogged about it here.
Here are a few drawings by Jason B. depicting some of the events of the previous sessions.
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Leopold and Vincent enjoying themselves at Talabheim's Central Registry. |
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Lukas kills a Rat Ogre with one blow! |
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Vincent carries Leopold up the Sigmarite Temple tower stairs. |
On to the next adventure:
Oct. 29th 2017
(I think Jason B. took the notes here.)
Vincent shook Leopold and Sally awake. The sun was starting to rise and it seemed that the Skaven activity was much less. We inspected a corps of a dwarf and found a Dwarven hammer and a small pouch of silver which Leopold ended up claiming. The temple of Sigmar seemed quite enough so they decided to move indoors. Leopold had a strong opinion to find the dorms of the warrior priest to re-equip and treat the wounds they had. Sally led the way making sure to remain as quiet as possible. They made their way down to the dorms without drawing too much attention. The dorm was a good find. Armor and weapons were plentifully and the group did what they could to address their wounds. Lukas and Genaro were still lost but Vincent, Leopold and Sally were hoping they were still on the upper floor of the temple.
The party finished with their preparations, very well equipped but still hurting from heavy wounds. The Temple was still abandoned and the party progressed towards where they hoped to find the Lukas and Genaro. A loud crack of a gun shot rang out as Vincent passed an opening in the wall. They kept their heads down and proceeded to the top floor.
The scene was horrid. Bodies of Skaven and Talabhimers lay everywhere. Even more worrisome was the streaks of blood showing that some bodies have been removed, dragged away for some unknown purpose. A subtle grown came from a blood stained heap on the ground. It was Lukas barely conscious but alive. Genaro on the other hand was not there. Perhaps he made it out on his own. A hopeful thought, but the more likely explanation is much worse.
It was clear that at least Gods Row was taken from the enemy. Vincent suggested we get a better view of the situation from the top of the temple bell tower. The city seemed quiet, until from out of the Law district a strange beam projected into the sky and illuminated the clouds! The strange colors projected on the clouds start to move and created shapes. An image begins to appear. The image in the clouds revealed a large horned rat which begins to speak.
The rat’s screeched, the speech was simple and to the point, “Listen and you shall live, resist and shall die.”
With a crash, the obsidian obelisk shattered and fell to the ground. The Skaven were in possession of the countess and the city was theirs. It was time to escape Talabheim. Another shot rang out as a Skavens bullet nearly struck Vincent’s head. At this point, the party decided to make haste to the North East towards the Taalgarten and then over the walls.
The path was clear, the sounds of patrolling Skaven faded as the party made it over the wall and into the plains of crater. It was very cold, and the going was hard as a fog turned the group around. It was starting to look desperate until the hoofs of a Pistoliers mount clattered up one of the roads. Fortunately, the hail of the rider was friendly and the message was ever welcome: “Rally at Dankerood!” With directions from the rider, the party continued on their way and reached the town. The town was surrounded by a sea of tents, more refugees from Talabhiem. Once a Nobles retreat town, Dunkerood was now a refuge of all those displaced from Talabheim; unfortunately most inhabitants have been wounded.
The party was met by a Corporal and they informed him that they had information in regards to Talabheim. The Corporal took them straight to the General in charge of military operations in absence of the countess. Vincent gave a full report to the General and the nobles that were also present. After Vincent’s report, the General ushered out the Nobles in order to talk in private to the group. The General enlisted the group into the Talabhiem army granting Vincent a commission as a Lieutenant, Leopold as a Sergeant and Sally and Lukas as Privates. The mission assigned was to create a resistance within the walls of Talabhiem, and send back regular reports of what was going on back to the General. With that, the General released them to the Corporal with then supplied them with necessities for the mission then left them to plan.
Gear Split between Group:
Storm Lantern
Oil for 3 Nightsish
Studded Armor Full Suit (Lukas)
Military Grade Writing Kit
Bow, Quiver with 10 Arrows (Lukas)
Gear Supplied to Each Individual:
Soldiers back pack
Sleeping bag (good)
Rations for 7 days
Water Canteen
Long Cloak with Hood
Anti Toxins
Water Tablets
2 Torches
Healing Potise
Healing Drought
XP: Base Char Birth Relig Star Doom Halflg Ideas TotalVincent 50 10 0 10 10 5 - 5 90
Sally 50 10 0 10 10 5 5 - 90
Leupold 50 10 0 10 10 0 - 5 85
The party finished with their preparations, very well equipped but still hurting from heavy wounds. The Temple was still abandoned and the party progressed towards where they hoped to find the Lukas and Genaro. A loud crack of a gun shot rang out as Vincent passed an opening in the wall. They kept their heads down and proceeded to the top floor.
The scene was horrid. Bodies of Skaven and Talabhimers lay everywhere. Even more worrisome was the streaks of blood showing that some bodies have been removed, dragged away for some unknown purpose. A subtle grown came from a blood stained heap on the ground. It was Lukas barely conscious but alive. Genaro on the other hand was not there. Perhaps he made it out on his own. A hopeful thought, but the more likely explanation is much worse.
It was clear that at least Gods Row was taken from the enemy. Vincent suggested we get a better view of the situation from the top of the temple bell tower. The city seemed quiet, until from out of the Law district a strange beam projected into the sky and illuminated the clouds! The strange colors projected on the clouds start to move and created shapes. An image begins to appear. The image in the clouds revealed a large horned rat which begins to speak.
The rat’s screeched, the speech was simple and to the point, “Listen and you shall live, resist and shall die.”
With a crash, the obsidian obelisk shattered and fell to the ground. The Skaven were in possession of the countess and the city was theirs. It was time to escape Talabheim. Another shot rang out as a Skavens bullet nearly struck Vincent’s head. At this point, the party decided to make haste to the North East towards the Taalgarten and then over the walls.
The path was clear, the sounds of patrolling Skaven faded as the party made it over the wall and into the plains of crater. It was very cold, and the going was hard as a fog turned the group around. It was starting to look desperate until the hoofs of a Pistoliers mount clattered up one of the roads. Fortunately, the hail of the rider was friendly and the message was ever welcome: “Rally at Dankerood!” With directions from the rider, the party continued on their way and reached the town. The town was surrounded by a sea of tents, more refugees from Talabhiem. Once a Nobles retreat town, Dunkerood was now a refuge of all those displaced from Talabheim; unfortunately most inhabitants have been wounded.
The party was met by a Corporal and they informed him that they had information in regards to Talabheim. The Corporal took them straight to the General in charge of military operations in absence of the countess. Vincent gave a full report to the General and the nobles that were also present. After Vincent’s report, the General ushered out the Nobles in order to talk in private to the group. The General enlisted the group into the Talabhiem army granting Vincent a commission as a Lieutenant, Leopold as a Sergeant and Sally and Lukas as Privates. The mission assigned was to create a resistance within the walls of Talabhiem, and send back regular reports of what was going on back to the General. With that, the General released them to the Corporal with then supplied them with necessities for the mission then left them to plan.
Gear Split between Group:
Storm Lantern
Oil for 3 Nightsish
Studded Armor Full Suit (Lukas)
Military Grade Writing Kit
Bow, Quiver with 10 Arrows (Lukas)
Gear Supplied to Each Individual:
Soldiers back pack
Sleeping bag (good)
Rations for 7 days
Water Canteen
Long Cloak with Hood
Anti Toxins
Water Tablets
2 Torches
Healing Potise
Healing Drought
XP: Base Char Birth Relig Star Doom Halflg Ideas TotalVincent 50 10 0 10 10 5 - 5 90
Sally 50 10 0 10 10 5 5 - 90
Leupold 50 10 0 10 10 0 - 5 85
Nov. 19th 2017
(Jason B.)
It was a cold morning. The Cpl. woke the group up before sun rise. The General was on his way so everyone got their gear together to leave for Talabhiem. The general approached and gave his final orders and sent everyone on their way. They were lead by cautious group of riders that seemed to have seen some battle. The cart was loaded and Leopold to the reins with everyone else in the back. While on their way back to the invaded city of Talabhiem, Vincent went over the plan. Everyone seemed to be in agreement and concluded that operations should begin in the Guildrow. The trip took most of the day. The sun was getting close to the creator horizon, it will be dark soon. The escorts when on their way and group with cart found a small area of houses near the gates of the city. The cart was hidden in an abandon barn with a portion of the supplies. It was getting dark now so the group quickly moved into the city to find some shelter for the night.
The Guildrow was spread out with several trees and tall hedges lining the streets. It gave the impression of a village more than a conventional city quarter. Shelter would need to be found quickly. The Skaven and their lives underground make them very keen to night fighting. Lukas was able to locate an abandoned forge with attached home. The group moved in quietly and reinforced the windows to prevent any light from escaping. Everyone got some decent sleep that night.
In the following week the group was able to recruit a number of resistance fighters and informants.
Geerul Gladish’ – Former spice merchant, now slave. Wants vengeance, Scouting the Guild row with Silca Arrent.
Silca Arrent’ - Knight of the Verdient fields. She feels guilty for the fall of the city. Scouting Guild Row mapping patrols.
Honnor Skipenbur’ – Scholar and Engineer, working on a contraption, slave foreman. Checking the construction sites and looking for Genaro.
Bjorn- is a criminal with a long list of crimes, multiple homicide, likes sharp knives, sneaky, looks exactly like Van Disel, retrieving weapons in Guild Row.
Karstashai- female, they baked her father, was a slave and a skilled cook, informant, Scouting the Merchant District. Has Vincent’s elven Amulet
Pabol Roubandend- Halfling, stealthy, Scouting the Manor District for intel on the countess troop numbers.
Otto Von Friedherst:
An old man dressed in rags mumbling to himself, most will keep their distance as Otto seems to have been touched by a bit of insanity. Though this isn’t quite the case. Otto was, well, still is an educated man. He was a relatively respected surgeon who practiced in the manor district in Talabheim. After an unfortunate death of a patient, which happened to be the daughter of vocal politician, doom Ottos career and respect. It was not long until the poor old man was cast out and for his own sake he took to hiding among the less prestigious neighborhoods of Talabhiem to avoid ridicule and harassment.
Otto dresses like a bagger to hide his identity though at this point in time that is less important. Rather out of place is when Otto needs to take a close look at something a rather ornate pair of eye glasses is drawn from beneath the rags, he only sign of his once prestigious career.
Otto in his age has come down with the shakes. This can be a problem if asked to perform medical aid to others though a couple swigs of a frosty beverage or hard alcohol steadies the hands. Though this can be dangerous to balance.
An elven blacksmith from the Laurelorn forest, Yavandir lives in the Eye of the Forest for almost 50 years now. Unlike many of his fellows, he's not arrogant. All the same, that trait had been replaced by your typical, blacksmith's bluntness and dryness of character.
Yavandir is an excellent blacksmith and weapons maker. Before the invasion many nobles commisioned blades from his forge, for they had no equals in Talabheim. Yavandir especially liked to work on a mysterious metal, gathered from meteorites that struck the great crater from time to time.
His forge had been lost to skaven forces, assaulting the Schwartzhold-Nordgate district. Yavandir fell into a state of melancholy after that, from which it can be hard to snap him out of.
Franka "Newt" Wilmer
Race: Human
Age: 14
Sex: Female
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 90 lbs
Birthplace: The Tallows, Talabheim, Talabecland
Profession: Ratcatcher's Apprentice, Street Urchin
Skills: Survival, Fleeing, Knowledge of sewers and The Tallows
Disadvantages: Too young to fight, antisocial
Franka was born to Nihil Wilmer, a poor, alcoholic ratcatcher in The Tallows. Her mother died during childbirth. She grew up fending for herself, as her father would often leave for weeks on end on drunken benders. While he was often too drunk to properly train her in the delicate art of rat-catching, she was given an excellent education on the city's sewer systems and back alley labrynths of The Tallows. At the tender age of ten, her father never returned from one of his trips and she retreated from society into the city's sewers, carving out a meager existence for herself scavenging for food and any discarded usable items.
She has been well aware of the city's skaven problem years before the siege, and excels in hiding, playing dead, and escaping through narrow spaces even the ratmen overlords seem unaware of. Since the siege, she has become something of a legend for her ability to survive and evade skaven patrols.
She is presumed mute, but has simply become traumatized and anti-social due to her living conditions over the last few years. She is untrusting of anyone else and perhaps this is the biggest reason for her ability to survive in this environment.
Fondly referred to as "Newt" by the resistance movement in Talabehim for her ability to slip away from danger, she has yet to speak to anyone or cooperate with them on their plans - They must undo years of neglect society has given her and win her trust, but they have to catch her for long enough to have a civilized conversation first.
Heintz Aufwieg
Heintz is 29, 5'11 and 200lbs of muscle. He has brown hair and blue eyes. Originally from a small village in Middenland, he left his home province to turn over a new leaf and get away from the gang he was in. Upon reaching Talabheim he devoted himself to Myrmidia and became a night watchman. He is suspicious of people wearing veils and fears the forest because it was foretold that he would find his doom under an oak tree.
Stone House and Maridian Temple are still held by Talabhiemers. There were reports of some cannon fire and some smoke outside of the crater. Some say it’s the Empire armies others say the armies aren’t there. Much discussion about using explosions on the gate was had. Leopold offered to climb the wall to scout
and find a path to the gate.
Talhagrun Forest they are gathering wood. We should follow up on that. Perhaps
General Haulfner men can raid that area at the moment.
Game Char Home Relig Star Doom Race Forward(cart) Total
Vincent 50 10 5 10 10 0 0 5 90
Sally 50 10 0 0 10 0 5 5 80
Lukas 50 10 5 0 10 0 0 5 80
Leopold 50 10 5 5 0 0 0 5 75
Konrad Fleischer
Konrad was the butcher in his neighborhood, prior to the Skaven’s takeover of the city. Now, he’s still a butcher, but not of anything a human would want to eat…unless they have to. The Skaven have let him live because he butchers what they bring to him. That, and such cowardly mutants are wary of attempting to subdue a man with so many large knives. Sure, they’d overwhelm him with numbers, but why risk being the one he takes to with him? For the citizens, he still butchers whatever vermin they bring and he does so for free. During these times, you would be amazed out how far a squirrel can be stretched.
Konrad has not family, which is just as well given the current events. He preferred the bachelor life and not many women are interested in a man that smelled like death, anyway. Konrad is about 5’7” and very wirey. He’s in his early 40s and shows his age. Konrad is a very anxious individual, especially when he’s nervous. However, he’s also an excellent estimator. Show him any group and he can estimate how many of it, it’s dimensions, and/or it’s weight with unbelievable accuracy.
The Guildrow was spread out with several trees and tall hedges lining the streets. It gave the impression of a village more than a conventional city quarter. Shelter would need to be found quickly. The Skaven and their lives underground make them very keen to night fighting. Lukas was able to locate an abandoned forge with attached home. The group moved in quietly and reinforced the windows to prevent any light from escaping. Everyone got some decent sleep that night.
In the following week the group was able to recruit a number of resistance fighters and informants.
Geerul Gladish’ – Former spice merchant, now slave. Wants vengeance, Scouting the Guild row with Silca Arrent.
Silca Arrent’ - Knight of the Verdient fields. She feels guilty for the fall of the city. Scouting Guild Row mapping patrols.
Honnor Skipenbur’ – Scholar and Engineer, working on a contraption, slave foreman. Checking the construction sites and looking for Genaro.
Bjorn- is a criminal with a long list of crimes, multiple homicide, likes sharp knives, sneaky, looks exactly like Van Disel, retrieving weapons in Guild Row.
Karstashai- female, they baked her father, was a slave and a skilled cook, informant, Scouting the Merchant District. Has Vincent’s elven Amulet
Pabol Roubandend- Halfling, stealthy, Scouting the Manor District for intel on the countess troop numbers.
Otto Von Friedherst:
An old man dressed in rags mumbling to himself, most will keep their distance as Otto seems to have been touched by a bit of insanity. Though this isn’t quite the case. Otto was, well, still is an educated man. He was a relatively respected surgeon who practiced in the manor district in Talabheim. After an unfortunate death of a patient, which happened to be the daughter of vocal politician, doom Ottos career and respect. It was not long until the poor old man was cast out and for his own sake he took to hiding among the less prestigious neighborhoods of Talabhiem to avoid ridicule and harassment.
Otto dresses like a bagger to hide his identity though at this point in time that is less important. Rather out of place is when Otto needs to take a close look at something a rather ornate pair of eye glasses is drawn from beneath the rags, he only sign of his once prestigious career.
Otto in his age has come down with the shakes. This can be a problem if asked to perform medical aid to others though a couple swigs of a frosty beverage or hard alcohol steadies the hands. Though this can be dangerous to balance.
An elven blacksmith from the Laurelorn forest, Yavandir lives in the Eye of the Forest for almost 50 years now. Unlike many of his fellows, he's not arrogant. All the same, that trait had been replaced by your typical, blacksmith's bluntness and dryness of character.
Yavandir is an excellent blacksmith and weapons maker. Before the invasion many nobles commisioned blades from his forge, for they had no equals in Talabheim. Yavandir especially liked to work on a mysterious metal, gathered from meteorites that struck the great crater from time to time.
His forge had been lost to skaven forces, assaulting the Schwartzhold-Nordgate district. Yavandir fell into a state of melancholy after that, from which it can be hard to snap him out of.
Franka "Newt" Wilmer
Race: Human
Age: 14
Sex: Female
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 90 lbs
Birthplace: The Tallows, Talabheim, Talabecland
Profession: Ratcatcher's Apprentice, Street Urchin
Skills: Survival, Fleeing, Knowledge of sewers and The Tallows
Disadvantages: Too young to fight, antisocial
Franka was born to Nihil Wilmer, a poor, alcoholic ratcatcher in The Tallows. Her mother died during childbirth. She grew up fending for herself, as her father would often leave for weeks on end on drunken benders. While he was often too drunk to properly train her in the delicate art of rat-catching, she was given an excellent education on the city's sewer systems and back alley labrynths of The Tallows. At the tender age of ten, her father never returned from one of his trips and she retreated from society into the city's sewers, carving out a meager existence for herself scavenging for food and any discarded usable items.
She has been well aware of the city's skaven problem years before the siege, and excels in hiding, playing dead, and escaping through narrow spaces even the ratmen overlords seem unaware of. Since the siege, she has become something of a legend for her ability to survive and evade skaven patrols.
She is presumed mute, but has simply become traumatized and anti-social due to her living conditions over the last few years. She is untrusting of anyone else and perhaps this is the biggest reason for her ability to survive in this environment.
Fondly referred to as "Newt" by the resistance movement in Talabehim for her ability to slip away from danger, she has yet to speak to anyone or cooperate with them on their plans - They must undo years of neglect society has given her and win her trust, but they have to catch her for long enough to have a civilized conversation first.
Heintz Aufwieg
Heintz is 29, 5'11 and 200lbs of muscle. He has brown hair and blue eyes. Originally from a small village in Middenland, he left his home province to turn over a new leaf and get away from the gang he was in. Upon reaching Talabheim he devoted himself to Myrmidia and became a night watchman. He is suspicious of people wearing veils and fears the forest because it was foretold that he would find his doom under an oak tree.
Stone House and Maridian Temple are still held by Talabhiemers. There were reports of some cannon fire and some smoke outside of the crater. Some say it’s the Empire armies others say the armies aren’t there. Much discussion about using explosions on the gate was had. Leopold offered to climb the wall to scout
and find a path to the gate.
Talhagrun Forest they are gathering wood. We should follow up on that. Perhaps
General Haulfner men can raid that area at the moment.
Game Char Home Relig Star Doom Race Forward(cart) Total
Vincent 50 10 5 10 10 0 0 5 90
Sally 50 10 0 0 10 0 5 5 80
Lukas 50 10 5 0 10 0 0 5 80
Leopold 50 10 5 5 0 0 0 5 75
Konrad Fleischer
Konrad was the butcher in his neighborhood, prior to the Skaven’s takeover of the city. Now, he’s still a butcher, but not of anything a human would want to eat…unless they have to. The Skaven have let him live because he butchers what they bring to him. That, and such cowardly mutants are wary of attempting to subdue a man with so many large knives. Sure, they’d overwhelm him with numbers, but why risk being the one he takes to with him? For the citizens, he still butchers whatever vermin they bring and he does so for free. During these times, you would be amazed out how far a squirrel can be stretched.
Konrad has not family, which is just as well given the current events. He preferred the bachelor life and not many women are interested in a man that smelled like death, anyway. Konrad is about 5’7” and very wirey. He’s in his early 40s and shows his age. Konrad is a very anxious individual, especially when he’s nervous. However, he’s also an excellent estimator. Show him any group and he can estimate how many of it, it’s dimensions, and/or it’s weight with unbelievable accuracy.
So there you have the next few episodes, I'll try to dole them out until we get caught up.
All good stuff. The drawings are excellent and, together with the character bios, really give a feel for the environment of the game.
ReplyDeleteThanks Hugh, Jason can draw quite well. The characters ended up being a big help to achieve the mission, except for Heinz, who was my contribution.