Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Kublacon 2018 Overview

Hi All,

Just thought I'd try to do a quick comic report on Kublacon to give you a taste of what caught my eye and the games we played.

Comic Life 3 was used but it didn't make it easy. An update to the software, crappy internet and a hard to use bluetooth travel keyboard have seen it take most of the day.

I know, Grove. I should revert to Comic Life 1. Anyway.

Aidan and had a great time at the con, my wife and daughter had a great tie sight seeing in the Bay Area. Win, win.

Thanks for looking.


  1. That Necromunda board is ace!

    1. Both Necromunda games had awesome terrain. They people who put them on are amazing artists. Thanks Iannick.

  2. Sean- it was wonderful to hang out and play with you and your son at the con. Thanks for making the trek and brightening up everone's day! I'm gonna have to come down to a con your way at some point to make up.

    1. Thanks Thomas. There is something I really enjoy about playing with your wooden figures. Especially for Imaginations look is quite grand. I know we have a con or two in Phoenix, but I know nothing about them. I am not at all plugged in to the gaming community in Phoenix. It seems like everybody I know is either from the Bay Area or the DC area. I tried to get more involved at one of the local game stores but didn't like the vibe there.

  3. Yus you should revert....it is the only way. LMAO Looks like an awesome weekend! can't wait to see more reports!

  4. I couldn’t make kublacon this year, and I enjoyed the peek. Thanks! 😀

  5. Nice story by pictures. my favorite is that Necromunda board

  6. Very envious. Some year I will not be busy that weekend and will make it out.

  7. cool con'. There is a strong fanbase on GW games, cool Necromunda terrain and awesome BFG
