Sunday, December 31, 2017

Year End Recap 2017

Hi All,

I just sifted through the blog and found out how productive I was this year. In looking through this year's posts I found my plan for 2017 written back in January here. I probably should have referred back to it during the year.

Figures Painted: 

Total 71, 51 of which were painted in the last three months of the year. 25 Sci-Fi, 27 Fantasy, 18 Monsters and 1 Chibi.


9 Pieces total. One resin skull altar, 3 resin objective markers, 5 scratch built foam monoliths. I meant to make Terrain all year, but somehow forgot that was a focus this year.

Games played:

The numbers may be slightly off as I haven't blogged all of our WFRP sessions, but it looks like 29 games were played. 15 WFRP sessions, 3 games of Shadow War: Armegeddon, 3 games of Rogue Ops, 1 game each of Battle Fleet Gothic, Mordheim, Necromunda, Rogue Trader, Donnytrader, Heroquest, Pikeman's Lament, and Broken Lances.

Zines created:

2. I made Vol1 Iss2 of the Oldhammer in the New World Zine and The Emporium of Rogue Dreams Abdul Goldberg challenge compendium. I fell down in getting out two more OitNW zines this year, sorry. It seems if I actually hobby it's harder to get the zine out.

Although I missed Oldhammer in the Jerz, I played a ton of Oldhammer at Kublacon and Monolith-Con. I only made one shirt for Monolith Con, and that had a typo :(

So in the end, a fairly productive year.

I'll hit you with my plans and update my various pages in the New Year.

Happy New Year everyone.


  1. Great work and many fun from hobby in 2018! :)

  2. Sounds like a successful gaming year!

    1. Hi Stew, reasonably successful. I probably could have painted more.

  3. Happy New Year Sean! Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff in 2018 mate.

    1. Happy New Year Millsy, looking forward to sharing more in the coming year.

  4. Sounds like you have a pretty decent hobby year Sean, and hoping for a good 2018 for you. :)

    1. Thanks pulpcitizen, I had a really good year gaming wise. Got some things in the plans for 2018.

  5. Happy New Year mate. Was glad we got a game in before you had to head home - and what a game!

    1. Happy New Year Dai, great to game with you and meet densmol. I think the scenario needs some more tweaking. Very deadly at the moment.
