Crushing your wife at Munchkin Conan and hearing her lamentation!
We played another game yesterday, just my wife, son and I. My daughter was busy watching tv or something. This game was at my wife's insistence.
The boy actually won the game, and I was in last place and willing to leave it there. But no! Someone had to beat me. So we continued play. As we both got up in levels I came up against a high level monster. My wife had a card in her hand that gave it +10. I was down by 5 and then I saw it. I had a +3, one use only item and noticed that the monster gave an additional +2 to one use items. That coupled with the fact that I was the warrior class and won all ties allowed me to win the encounter and beat her.
Here is a link to a youtube video of Wil Wheaton playing a game with Steve Jackson that goes over the rules pretty well. It's a little long at 29 minutes.
And Dale of Dales Wargames turned me on to Munchkin Land, some great podcasts of Munchkin game play. Always interesting and funny.
I've been meaning to post here but actually have so much to post about I'm a little bit paralyzed by the amount of stuff.
I've gotten in a bunch more figures but am concerned that I photograph them right, I don't want to hurry and give you a bunch of crappy pictures with a good camera, like I did with the BUM stuff.
I'm finally sorting myself out in the Loa campaign so that should be heating up again and I think I have some inspiration for painting in doing some figures from the Caesar Adventurer set. Hopefully I can get my act together this week.
I've been cleared to start exercising a little and it has been killing me. My abs are doing okay but it feels more like 2 years than 2 months since I've had a proper workout. I ran 1.25 miles today but it felt slow and heavy. I also have been having weird anxiety dreams the last few nights and actually woke up this morning thinking it was Monday. All this from a guy who doesn't have a job.
So I've gone off my diet a bit and am relaxing with a little wine and this update to you my friends. Hope all is well with you and filled with fun toys and games.