Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Another welcome and painted battle mat

Hi All,

I've been trying to put together a battle report for Talomir Tales, but it is not coming together as quickly as i would like. A lot of stuff going on here so I can only work on it in dribs and drabs. I then have to remind myself where the story was going and try to make sense of the pictures.

I'd like to welcome another new follower, Alfons Canovas of Minaturas Militares por Alfons Canovas. He has some very useful looking uniform plates up. Napoleonic and early after a quick perusal.

Now I had intended to get back to posting more frequently, but as I mentioned, this battle report is not flowing from my mind as I would like. I'm also my usual restless self, and have been flitting about with afew other things.

We have an Axis & Allies 1941 game stagnating on the table and I have been thinking about the Call of Cthulhu RPG and getting back to a big game project that has been kicking around my head for awhile now.

What I do have to actually show is that I painted my green carpet mat to make it a little less shockingly green. So I used the same colors as my styrofoam battle boards. I started out by trying a garden sprayer that I bought at Home Depot for $6.27. But I didn't like how the first pass looked so I went with the artists sponge technique. I thinned down craft paint and Artist tube paint, some better than others and just blotted things on top.

The whole shebang.

Detail of the center
So mostly successful I think. I still need to put some finished based figures on it to see how I feel. There are a few places where the paint is a little too thick and looks like I spilled paint on it, but for the most part I like it.

More news soon I hope.


  1. Very effective, I think it looks great. Cheers, Paul.

  2. I agree - looks good!
    The trick I have found is to to have the fig bases match it reasonably

    1. Hi Paul o' the MC, my washer bases are mostly brown. I also need to experiment with the magnetic movement trays.

  3. good result and useful post ! thanks !

    1. Thank you Sam. It is a fairly simple technique. One could also probably save some money by tearing up foam or synthetic sponges.

  4. Thanks Loki. I am happy with it at first glance.

  5. I have a game mat planned using the reverse (carpet texture side) of some lino off cuts. Been trying to find a bulk paint that matches my base colours. Currently has some test swatches from Dulux on the work bench.

    I hope mine looks as good as yours. I was going to roll or brush on a base coat and then sponge on highlights etc. What I an really interested in is if it is easy to repaint or even dust off, being able to add features like roads in paint or chalk for specific battles and then remove or paint over when finished.,

    1. Hi Sun of York, the main thing I see is the need for using very watered down paint. So I would be concerned that multiple painting over time would build up too much. Just my two cents.

  6. Nicely mottled :-) . Perhaps the patches of different colour could be a little larger, at least in places?

    1. Hi Hugh, you are probably right. While i do posses several different size sponges, I could only find the smallest one. Many of the blotches are multiples of that. I see what you are saying that it is perhaps a little too small and random. Maybe next time.
