Thursday, February 21, 2019

Realm of Chaos Renegade Warband - rolling it up

Hi All,

So I started rolling up a Renegade Warband late last year with the intent of getting it ready for a game of Rogue Trader at Warhammer World this summer. After trying to roll up some fantasy bands, and having some issues, I tried to roll up this band with the help of some friends. I highly recommend going over to Axiom's blog on the subject here and reading about it. I am more or less following his lead.

While I was writing this post JB wrote about rolling up his warband here.

  1. Generate your Renegade
Start by rolling to see the race of your Renegade. The table is on p233 of Slaves to Darkness (StD), and is different from the Fantasy table on p40.

My roll 71, Human. Next we need to roll on the Human sub table. My roll 16, basic human. (Uh oh!)

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Int Cl WP
4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 7 7 7

The next thing we meed to do is determine the Power of Chaos we are dedicated to. You could just choose your favorite or make up your own Chaos god, I chose to make my own table and roll for it. (So Chaotic!) 1-2 Khorne, 3-4 Slaanesh, 5-6 Nurgle, 7-8 Tzeentch, 9-0 Undivided. My roll 2, Khorne.

So now we go on to generate the Chaos Rewards and attributes. So this is where the nomenclature gets tricky. In my reading of it for this post Chaos Rewards are divided into two sub categories, Gifts and Attributes. On p232StD we see it stated that the new Chaos renegade "receives two rewards from his chosen Power: a specific Chaos gift from the Power and a random Chaos attribute. On the Starting Profile table on p233StD it says that Khorne Renegades receive Chaos Armor, stats on p100StD or p252StD. So my Renegade gets a 5+ Save and +1 WP to Psychic/Magic saves.

Next is to roll up the renegade's attribute. Now this is where it starts to get weedy. In the third paragraph on p232StD it says "The Renegade then gains further rewards from his patron Chaos Power. Each of these is determined randomly using the Chaos Rewards Table p45StD and could be one of two types. ... another Chaos attribute ... determined randomly using the Personal Attributes Table p113StD ... Alternatively he could receive a Chaos Gift:" Confusing to be sure.

Since the ealier discussion had been one reward then one attribute I took it to mean that the Chaos Armor was Khorne's "Gift" and now I had to roll an attribute on p113StD. My roll 753 Quadriped?Biped, sucked. So I rolled again and got 626 Mechanoid, so +2 Fear Points (FP), d6 roll of 5 gives me partially mechanical, d10 roll of 6 gives me hands +2 S and +20 Dex if we're playing WFRP.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Int Cl WP
4 3 3 5 3 1 3 1 7 7 7 7

What I missed was the rule about the further two attributes that we need to roll. Along with the 4 followers rolls to come this is meant to represent that our Renegades have been on the path of Chaos for awhile. This is to make the game a little more interesting and give everybody some figures to model and paint up. A worthy endeavor.

I noticed that Axiom rolled Khorne specific rewards table on p47StD to get his Face of a Bloodletter attribute. JB, since he didn't pick a specific power, rolled twice on the reward table on p45StD and then twice on the table on p113StD for his Renegade.

Upon consultation, the procedure should be two "Rewards" then two "Attributes" so I have one reward (Chaos Armor) and one Attribute (Mechanoid Hands)

So I now roll on p47StD. My roll 13, Face of a Flesh Hound, gain a poisonous bite attack (A +1). But this screws me up for the figure I was intending to use so second roll of 86, Aggression Bonus, +1 to WS, BS and S. On p113StD I roll a d1000, my roll 607, Manic Fighter, hates any enemy unit within 12" and never makes a rout test as a result of hand to hand combat.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Int Cl WP
4 4 4 6 3 1 3 1 7 7 7 7

Ok, so now we need some gear. Looking at what Axiom did, he keyed in on the phrase "according to his starting profile" which for him was a Champion. Mine is just a bog standard Human, so my stats would align with Administratum, Adeptus Astronomica, or Adeptus Mechanicus. On the fly table 1-4 Administratum, 5 Ad. Astronomica, 6 Ad. Mechanicus. My roll 5. So my guy was a budding young Navigator who gazed too deeply into the warp. The Navigator equipment chart is on p151 of Rogue Trader (RT). Pistols, my roll 21 Hand Flamer, 50% chance of a second (my roll 100, nope). 25% chance of Jokaero digital weapons (43, nope). 75% chance close combat weapon (34, yes), (92, sword). 25% chance of armor (44, nope). 25% chance Armor energy field (22,yes), 67 Distort. Additional equipment: Bio-scanner 50% chance (73,nope), Breathing Apparatus 50% Chance (13, yes) 46 filters, Cameleoline 10% chance (100, nope), Communicator, Energy Scanner 50% chance (13, yes), Eye Proteection 50% Chance (81,nope), Flight Pack 10% chance (95, nope), Immune 75% chance (68, yes) d6: 2 doses, Infravision 50% chance (84, nope), Rad Counter 90% chance (73, yes), Rad Suit 90% chance (32, yes), Sealed Suit, Suspensors 25% chance (30, nope), Teleport Homer (?), Web Solvent 90% chance (26, yes) d6: 1 use.

Well there you have it.

2. Generate your Followers

For this warband we were instructed to make 4 rolls on the followers table p236-7StD. My rolls were 08 2d6: 7 Beastmen, 12 2d6: 6 Beastmen, 64 2d6: 9 Humans, 08 01 1 Assassin. I re-rolled the 3rd Beastman unit and decided to swap out Orks for the first unit of 7 Beastmen as I had some figures in mind.

So now onto gearing up the followers and giving them some kind of Chaos attributes. We received instruction that all followers receive either Flak or Mesh armor and then roll for a Standard weapon and a Close Combat Weapon that everyone in the unit will have. For every 5 members of the squad, one can be armed with a Heavy Weapon. All character followers, ie my Assassin, also make 1 roll on the grenades table and d6-3 rolls on the Equipment/Bionics table on p255. There were also some instructions about rolling a d4 for psychic level, if you have a Psyker. Ignore results of 4, Khorne gets -1 to the die roll. II haven't rolled for it yet, but I think Assassins have a chance to have psychic abilities.

7 Orks

I rolled 94 Plasma Gun, 60 Bolt Pistol, 18 Heavy Bolter. This seems weird so I thought I'd take a look at the equipment table from p190RT the 94 would give me Bolt Gun, 60 just a knife, 18 Grenade Launcher. When I get to modelling these I'll see how I feel. I may perhaps give one guy a plasma gun. Attribute? p138StD 199 Extra Joints (increase move and initiative by 1). I'm not sure how I'll model that yet, if at all.

6 Beastmen

p255StD 37 Lasgun, 68 Chainsword, 34 Missile Launcer with Crack and 2 Random. Imperial Army table on p164RT 37 still Lasgun, 68 would be Laspistol for a Sgt, Chainsword if they hit the 25% chance of secondary weapon, 34 Heavy Plasma  gun. Again, we'll see what I have lying around and make it work somehow. Attribute? 385 Irrational fear. (87 Items/creatures of a particular color. GM's choice)

9 Humans

93 Plasma gun, 80 Web gun, 17 Heavy Bolter. In RT that would be Lasgun, Laspistol for Sgt and Chainsword if he made the 25%, D-Canon (whatever that is) for the Heavy Weapon. Attributes? 571 Multiple Arms (additional weapon attack for every 2 models, shooting or hand to hand.)


56 Boltgun, 38 Laspistol, 30 Anti Plant grenades, d6-3: (4) 1: 61 Conversion Field. Just for fun lets see what the Assassin table on p171RT. Well the first thing I noticed is that there is no standard weapon category and way more gear than what we've been doing. I also have the Vindicare body 1 model with Exitus Rifle, so I'll have to figure out what that means. *Oops, I forgot to roll an attribute. 527 Irrational Hatred (make sure you do it on the personal chart for single figures). He hates d6:(2) 1 thing. 40 Elves/Eldar. Now we're done for real*

So there you have it, a wall of text to make your eyes fall out. In future posts about this I'll be posting the figures I'll be using. I've sort of shown them lying about on the table.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Paint Table Saturday 276 - Cultists, Orks and Beastmen join the Undead

Hi All,

With Track Season in full swing I seem to have less time to actually blog. Last Saturday my son ran a 5K and this Sunday he will be running a 3K.

So I've been plugging away at the plastic zombies

and skeletons.

I should have been prepping the Skull and Crown "archers" but I took the path of least resistance and kept on working on things that were primed/started.

I also started digging through the collection to look for the bits I need for this summer's Realm of Chaos renegade game at Warhammer World. A couple of Orks

and some plastic Cultists made it onto the table, [In both cases they came with paint jobs that will need to be stripped.]

as well as a box of Gors I purchased to convert into "Beastmen in Spaaaaace!"

Thanks for looking.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Amburger Hill

Hi All,

Well I got my first game in with the local group, and got my ass handed to me. It was fun though. Two things. Vehicles are powerful! I don't think I have ever played a game of RT with combat vehicles before. The few times I've seen robots I've been fortunate to be on the opposite side of the table.

I also made the decision to "roleplay" them as cocky, gung ho types. So, although they tried to stay out of sight, they got caught running around in the open and were... I'll let the comic explain it.

More photoshop filters and added some effects in photoshop as well. The source photos were a tad blurry, I didn't spend any time sharpening this time around. So there's that.

So, what did I learn? I need some kind of vehicle with heavy firepower. I have a Leman Russ built up, but not sure exactly how to stat it up for RT or if I can afford it by jettisoning the command section. I have a sentinel or two that I could build. I need to check the cost, but they are fairly affordable. I also have those plastic flyer kits from Russia that I could press into service. Again, I have to read up on the vehicle build rules and points cost. The command section is 280 points in the Compendium.

Thanks for looking.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Paint Table Saturday 274 - Actual painted figures

Hi All,

It seems like I always finish models sometime during the week and then always forget to share them with you all on PTS.

I have had to wait 24 hours to share them here due to the rules of the Old World Army Challenge. If you like seeing painted figures you should check that blog out.

So here they are:

5 Death Riders. From a black base coat I drybrushed using my Reaper Bone Triad. I enjoyed doing the verdigris helmets and skull design, although in a rush to finish the shields I seem to have wiped off the Spectral Glow wash a little more than I'd like.

The Skull Chucker and crew were also built up from a black undercoat. For my rusted metal effect I used craft paint (Charcoal Grey, Burnt Umber, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Orange, Bright Orange) followed by a drybrush of Blackened Steel.

Lastly, 3 Skeleton Warriors from the old Skeleton Regiment box. The person who sold me these also had the metal command conversion blister and the metal coffin lid shields. These were base coated in white and, more or less, painted following the Skeleton Painting guide in White Dwarf 142.  I put a 2 part Sepia, 2 part Yellow Orange and 1 part water; ink mix onto these. I then went back and slathered them in Burnt Umber ink because the Yellow overpowered the Sepia. Then the figures were drybrushed up the same as the ones that were undercoated black. I like this method of painting bone better as I feel like it gives a more, flesh off the bone look.

With all the figures I used my Grunge wash recipe liberally over everything to give them that dirty look. I ran out of time late Thursday night to finish the flocking on the bases. I will rectify that.

What's on the table this week?

I'm thinking of painting the Zombies and the Skeleton Archers. As you can see, I still need to prep the Triumph of Death figures I'm using. Perfect project for watching a Super Bowl with two teams I couldn't care less about.

The Advanced Heroquest figures, or perhaps even the Harlequins in the background, still stare accusingly at me. I do need to keep working on my Imperial Guard (whose ignominious defeat will be chronicled soon) as well as some projects for later this Summer.

So stay tuned, and thanks for looking.