Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Table update and Oldhammer in the New World

Hi All,

Just an update of the table. Not much progress really. I did some converting of Voltaire and need to find a couple more things to see if I want to put them on him. Most everything else is more or less where I left it. I'm going to start trying to complete single figures. I find that finishing a figure gets me more pumped than making progress on ten.  Weird, but that's how I seem to work best. The hard part is not falling into the, "well I have color x out, I could use it on a few more figures".

I also wanted to bring your attention to a new post on Oldhammer in the New World. Kaleb's got some good stuff on there and in the works. There also should be a new announcement on the upcoming Oldhammer USA weekend. So if you're interested in playing Oldhammer type stuff (whatever that means to you) check out the facebook group too. If you want an event closer to home you need to speak up.

Right now I'm designing a T-shirt and thinking about ways besides blogging that we can get you to get fired up enough to break out your lead/plastic/resin and play some games.

I'd also like to welcome area23aaa. No blog listed (or avatar) but besides following this blog he follows Blue and Shaitan. So he has good taste if nothing else. (I say he because I'm lazy and just assume everybody into this stuff is a dude.)

Have a good one people.


  1. I Always have a good feeling when I can finish a figure or a small unit! I don't want to much on the painting table, because then I finish nothing!


    1. Hi Peter, I agree. I think having too much unpainted and half painted on the table can be an obstacle to finishing.

    2. At this moment, not more as three things on the painting table for me. Five 1/72 scale figures, a tank from the same scale and a 54 mm figure when my eyes are getting tired! It works well for me! But everyone has his own way of working where he or she feels good with.


    3. Sounds good. Good luck with your painting. I cleared the desk of miscellaneous figures so I could concentrate on the ones I want done next.

  2. OLDHAAAAAAAMER FO'EVA LOL. We will game against each other this year...I vow it!

    1. Word! The Oldquisitor has spoken. If I had talent I'd draw something. Maybe I can figure out how to photoshop Blue into a picture of an Inquisitor.
