Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Orctober - First Orc - Plastic Black Orc

Hi All,

Here's my first entry for Orctober 2015:

You may all remember this figure, I want to say my brother gave it to me, but I'm not sure why he had it. It came out okay but the way I color blocked it originally may have obscured the detail. That baby skull on his belt was particularly problematic. After looking at some pictures of real horns I'm glad I tried grey colors for the horns this go round.

This is what he looked like before I started him this go round:

Scary! Again reminds me why I hate white undercoat.

Hopefully I'll have more soon. I want to finish those half done 20mm (1/72) Orcs now.


  1. This model is so associated with the red era that it's very nice seeing him with more natural and earthly colours. I would love to see a whole force of guys like that !

    1. Hi JB, I was completely unaware of the red period at the time, so he was never going to be red. Glad you like him, unfortunately he's the only one I have.

  2. Lovely job, great to see the transformation from the first pass to where he is now.

    1. Hi Michael, thanks. It's funny, I did the color blocking some time back in the early 90's. I was horrified by how sloppy it was, but looking at some of the brushes I still have from then they may have been pretty spent.

  3. Wow, what a difference! A vast improvement over the previous version (and I do like the horns).

    1. Hi Hugh, thanks. Part of it is a difference in painting style between 1990 something and now. I usually do Horn, bone and teeth with the same triad of brownish colors, this time I wanted to try grey to black. One interesting thing I found from google images was that many horns are lighter near the head and darker at the tip. I've always done it the other way round.

  4. Nice work especially on a repaint.
    I must stop dragging my heels and get to work on my orctoberfest entry.
    Good luck with your next entry

    1. Hi 24_Cigs, thanks. I always do what I can for these and don't fuss about it too much. Right now finishing single figures is working for me.

  5. Great stuff Sean. I love the fact you took a pic before the repaint. I always neglect to do that and regret it afterwards.

    1. Thanks Millsy. I wanted to share my horror at the "good old days" of the hobby. This guy was obviously only roughly color blocked, but I tend to have a fuzzy memory of how crudely I painted when I started the hobby. I probably should have stripped this figure before repainting as I think some of the detail was getting obscured.
