The family went to WWE Live on Saturday night and it was quite fun. My wife had won some tickets from work so she and my son sat in the company suite while my daughter and I sat with the unwashed masses. While there was some body odor in evidence we actually sat between several women, one of which actually smelt quite nice. Any how there was chanting, trash talking and great athleticism in addition to the sheer spectacle. It was quite a bit of fun even if I have no idea who most of the wrestlers are any more. My only gripe would be the one guy who stood up 100 times during the matches who was of course one row down and right in front of me. I let it go because he was obviously really into it and I figured it wasn't worth raining on his parade.
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Obligatory crappy cell phone picture. |
The stuff I ordered through Amazon has been coming in, in dribs and drabs, but I think it is all here now. I read the entire Walking Dead Vol 3 in one sitting and am reading Conan Vol 2 in spurts to give myself a break from various tasks.
The flash diffusers arrived and I hope to give them a go in today or tomorrow. I have a ton of chores to do and I have to play X-Wing with my son or suffer the consequences.
Painting Update:
I have been painting a lot, unfortunately nothing is finished. It is also cutting into my planned challenge painting. I am pushing to finish those 1/72 figures for the Treyine vs. Stygustan battle for Talomir Tales. I need to get to work on my casualties and prep the figures for the last stand so that I'm not down to the wire for that one as well. I just need to stay focussed.
Of course it is a total side track, but somewhat relevant as I am painting the figures for it in the challenge (sort of). I dug through some old boxes and found notes and letters pertaining to my Orc army from the 90's and the Mighty Empires Play by Mail campaign I was trying to do with my highschool gaming buddy Charlie. This is the campaign and setting I want to revive, perhaps this year finally. Lots of good stuff. It made me realize that I did actually own, and may still have, Warhammer Armies (3rd Ed). As of right now I don't know where it is located, but the notes on the armies can only have been done with access to the book and I was the only one who invested in Warhammer at all. I think a couple of my friends bought a blister pack or two, but they decided they didn't like painting and collecting figures or modelling terrain. So thus ended my foray into Warhammer.
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Charlie's roster on the left. |
Anonymous has started up again, and by
that I don't mean the hackers (or whatever that group is). Anonymous
comments have been cropping up again on many blogs I follow. I like
to be notified of follow up comments to posts in case there is an
interesting discussion going on. The Anonymous comments are almost
invariably spam of one sort or another.
For the love of all that is holy, stop
allowing anonymous comments. Seriously. In the almost 3(?) years I've
been blogging I can count on my fingers the number of legit anonymous
posts I have seen across the hundreds of blogs I follow. Otherwise
they are just trolls and spammers. My new policy is to immediately
unsubscribe a thread that gets an anonymous post.
Also I would like to encourage everyone
to add a followers widget to their blog. While follower count is a
little bit of a false ego boost it does have a couple of advantages.
The first is that the number of blogs followed in this way seem to
have no limit, where as manually inputting them does. The other
reason is that many blogs have a blogroll of the blogs they follow so
you get advertising on their blogs if they can follow you easily. As
a corollary, always follow back.
Welcome to:
Jay from Finely
Diced Gamers, a blog about board games from the look of it. I
already see a couple that have peaked my interest. And of course I
love Risk, although getting my family to play seems a bridge too far.
The Lord of Excess, who has no less
than 5 blogs. The main one seems to be The
Excessive Gamer. The foremost topic is D&D edition wars. For
me it's AD&D (1st) if you must know.
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Just a reblog from Oldschool Gamers on FB. |
America's version of wrestling is one aspect of North American culture I just cannot understand!
ReplyDeleteI allow anonymous comments on my blog because some people's work systems won't let them post as themselves but I review every comment before I let it get posted. I have some blogs on other subjects and get a fair amount of genuine anonymous comments. If only you could automatically block the ones with links in them! That would do it!
Hi Legatus, professional wrestling here is a strange animal. If you look at it as theater where the actors all do their own stunts it makes perfect sense. I never thought about the commenting from work aspect. I sometimes put links in comments so that would be a problem for some legitimate posts. To each his own I guess.
DeleteIt's been a while since I've seen any WWE but I used to love it when it was the WWF!
ReplyDeleteHi Fran, me too. I first watched with the likes of Sgt Slaughter and the Iron Sheikh. Then Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage and last with the likes of Triple H and Chyna. I have to say it was weird watching Jimmy "The Super Fly" Snuka's daughter wrestling in the other nights contest. I always thought it was funny that the World Wildlife Fund was able to win that lawsuit.
DeleteI took my 2 daughter, 6 & 9, to see some wrestling while we were on holiday, they burst into tears within minutes, they just couldn't understand why the 2 men were hurting each other. That was a good 30 quid wasted!! Love that last pic too!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Ray, I was actually surprised that my daughter wanted to go. She is 10. She especially enjoyed the female wrestling match, it wasn't too bad for the old man either if you catch my drift. Going to any sporting event gets expensive quickly. My wife took my son to the souvenir table but balked at paying $20 for an autographed photo.
DeleteWWE? OK, I think I get that it's a wrestling thing, but it does nothing for me.
ReplyDeletePainting? Excuses, excuses :-) .
Bloggery? Amen to all those points!
Hi Hugh, yeah I'm not a rabid fan but it was fun. I'll have pictures of finished figures one day (yeah, yeah). I'm glad someone agrees with me on the Anonymous and followers stuff.
DeleteHi Sean, it wasn't until your post that I realised that I hadn't added a Followers widget to my new blog!
ReplyDeleteTo make matters worse Google doesn't list the old Followers widget, just a Circles one, on their easy to add tools anymore, so I had to find a workaround, thanks Google!
Hi CS, now that you mention it I do remember something about followers being discontinued. I'll have to look into it. What was your work around?
DeleteI Googled Blogger Followers Widget and followed a tutorial. I can't remember the exact address (it being a one time thing hopefully) but I do remember the background as pink!
ReplyDeleteWhy do they do this to us?! Force us onto Google+? Makes Wordpress more and more attractive!
Thanks CS, after I asked I googled it as well. I am going to post a link to it, soon I hope.