Thursday, March 7, 2013

Scenarios and Solo for X-Wing

So we are in the midst of playing our second game of X-Wing here at the corner and here is where it stands after starting last night and resuming a few rounds before school this morning. (We are fortunate to have my wife be understanding enough to let us leave it set up.)

Darth Vader (my son) in the Tie Advanced and Dark Curse (my daughter) in the Tie Fighter are dueling  with me as Gold Squadron Pilot in the Y-Wing. I decided we would try the quick start rules again but they wanted to use the new ships, and honestly who doesn't want to be Darth Vader?

With a better grasp of how damage is dealt out, I have taken 5 hits while Darth Vader and Dark Curse have each taken two. For most of the game I have managed to do a slow spiral in the center, keeping one or both of them in my sites. This was after initially being thrashed in the first pass. The firepower and maneuverability of the Y-Wing is not my favorite, but it can take a lot of punishment.

But the main thrust of this post is not about our game but the resources I found online for X-Wing. Like many I was shocked to see only three scenarios in the  rule book. So I did a search for some. The mother load was at Board Game Geek.

Two pdf's and a cross post:

FlytrapDagobah's Death Star Trench RunRefinery Raid

Then 3:10 to Yavin which you can download from the files section as a PDF here plus a bonus mission here, but you have to be logged on to BGG to access them.

There are also some Bulk freighter pieces here.

As well as a scenario from the WWPD forum that came from the Outpost Zero blog Star Wars tag.

I'm also excited to try this solo scenario from Deep Dark Dungeons.

Also check this out for a sweet render of a 3D “Blockade runner” space ship.

I am seriously considering buying or making a star field mat to play on. I like the idea of making one with my kids.

Welcome to Anne from Anne's Attic. Funny, talented painter and friend of Ray and Fran. Go check her out. It took me way too long to become a follower of hers.


  1. Sean check out it is a forum with loads of goodies including stat cards for loads of extra ships

    1. Thanks for the link Scotty. Off to check it out now.
