Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ordnance Maps of Roman Britain

Awhile back Paul (of the mancave) posted this link to a campaign for wargaming in Arthurian Dark Age Britian http://darkagewargaming.wordpress.com/category/age-of-arthur/

In reading through one of the posts, which are extremely interesting, the author made mention of using ordnance maps if you chose to do a map based campaign. So I thought I'd do a little search and found this site http://www.bibliographics.com/MAPS/BRITAIN/BRIT-MAP-FRAME-LOOK.htm

I'm trying not to let this lead me too far astray for now, but for me the tug of maps is almost irresistable. At some point I may take these and grid them further.



PS- I was away on vacation for the last few weeks and found no time for posting. I hope to be posting again more regularly once my kids are in school.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool find thanks for sharing. I have a thing for maps so I understand the appeal
