Monday, September 24, 2012

Primed (B.P Part 4)

The 20 orc figures are all coated in PVA and primed black. For the Archers, Hero, Bugbears and Black moon orcs I sprayed them down with Scenic Cement. I don't think I'll do that again as I'm not sure the mess made is worth the time saved. I might try a glue dip method but not sure about that either. The primer is that glossy black, I thought I had purchased more flat black but only had it in an artist tube and haven't got my thinning stuff together yet.

Four trees and the four Wolf riders had their washers spackled. I also received my 100g bag of Heki Grasfaser Sommerwiese 3360 (Light Green? Static Grass) from Scenic Express. So you should be seeing me enter modern times in my basing technique. Scenic Express also sent a bound catalog with the order, it's like the Sears Christmas catalog for terrain building. I just wish that model railroad scales weren't so weird. N is 1:160, HO is 1:87 and O is 1:50.

I'll try to add pictures tomorrow. I also had more to say, but my brain is fried. Good night.